Fans greatly play a very big role in the sports and there are many different kinds of fans who can be seen in the different sports team. Recently there is an aggressive action which is been performed by a deep fan of football as he is found to be a very aggressive fan of the England football team. This is the very hot news which is moving on in the present Euro cup 2016 tournament. The news is that the great England fan who is been put to prison for two years and he is also been banned to enter into the England and to watch the football match. This is the great punishment which is been given to this particular person who is the fan of the football match. He has been given the order of about five years of football banning and this is the punishment which is been given by the British government after facing a very harsh troubles in the city of Marseilles.
It is a well known incident which happened in the place of Marseilles and it is described as the most aggressive incident which is been committed by the fans since ever in the football tournament.
The fans that are named as Joe Pizarro, belonging to the Clayton Street of Kennington in the South London was greatly summoned to appear in the place of Uxbridge court and it is the most famous Magistrates court found in the city. This person is also a great fan of football and he has been summoned because he has been spotted on the great film footage. The officers of the Met football intelligence has identified him in the video which is been taken by the great French police when the match took place and it was considered to be a very big disorder also. This is the great disorder which occurred before the tournament of the great two teams which is the England and the Russia in the month of June 10.
It was yesterday all the important chronicles in England has published about this great person and the five year banning order is been imposed on this person. This is the order which is found to be the great order which affects him deeply and this person has also been summoned to pay a huge amount as fine. This order will not only make the player to stop attending or viewing the matches of the games in the abroad but also in the United Kingdom. This order and punishments are found to be the very big warning for the other fans and it is also announced that if the match is interrupted by the fans then the team which is represented on the behalf of the fans will also be summoned to severe punishments and so all the fans of the football game are now totally shocked with this incident and the news which happened in this Euro cup 2016. This will also be unforgettable news in this season of Euro cup.